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Boutique Terre des hommes

Boutique Terre des hommes, Route de Genève 17, 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne

Boutique Terre des hommes
Rubrik: Non-Profit Organization
icon user Adresse: Boutique Terre des hommes, Route de Genève 17, 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne
icon mobileTelefon: +41213205309
icon globe Internet: http://www.tdh.ch
icon mail Öffnungszeiten: Mo.-Fr. 08:00-17:00
icon calculatorBewertungen: icon star

Adresse / Karte: Boutique Terre des hommes

Weitere Firmen in der Rubrik Non-Profit Organization

Rubrik: Non-Profit Organization
GGG MigrationNon-Profit OrganizationEulerstrasse 26, 4051 Basel, Switzerland, Basel
Quartierverein WipkingenNon-Profit OrganizationQuartierverein Wipkingen Postfach 8037 Zürich, 8037 Zürich, Zürich
Make-A-Wish SwitzerlandNon-Profit Organization21 rue de la Combe, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland, Nyon
Nez Rouge BernNon-Profit Organization3000 Bern, Bern
World YMCANon-Profit Organization12, Clos Belmont, 1208 Geneva, Switzerland, Genève
FIABCI SuisseNon-Profit Organizationc/o Union Patronale du canton de Fribourg / Postfach 1552, 1701, Fribourg
Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum St.GallenNon-Profit OrganizationSchachenstrasse 9, 9016 St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen
ConSolNon-Profit OrganizationIbelweg 24, 6300 Zug (Stadt), Zug
Metropole SchweizNon-Profit OrganizationWeinbergstrasse 31, 8006 Zürich, Zürich
Schweizerisches Rotes KreuzNon-Profit OrganizationWerkstrasse 18, 3084 Bern, Bern
Freedom Flowers FoundationNon-Profit OrganizationReckenbuehlstrasse 21, 6005 Lucerne, Switzerland, Luzern
St. Gallen SymposiumNon-Profit OrganizationDufourstrasse 50, 9001 Saint Gallen, Sankt Gallen
imaginefestivalNon-Profit OrganizationBarfüsserplatz, 4051 Basel, Switzerland, Basel
LUZERNER FESTNon-Profit Organization6005 Lucerne, Switzerland, Luzern
jungkunstNon-Profit OrganizationKatharina Sulzer Platz, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland, Winterthur
MUN BaselNon-Profit OrganizationPetersplatz 1, 4051 Basel, Basel
CogintaNon-Profit OrganizationMaison Internationale de l’Environnement (MIE 2) 7 chemin de Bal, Vernier
Mind and Life EuropeNon-Profit Organizationc/o Kuhn & Partners - Bahnhofplatz 18, 8401 Winterthur, Switzerl, Winterthur
ibbo - international blackboard organisationNon-Profit OrganizationBerneggstrasse 28, 9000 St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen
Programme Grisélidis FribourgNon-Profit OrganizationBoulevard de Pérolles 30, 1700 Freiburg im Üechtland, Fribourg
LafargeHolcim FoundationNon-Profit OrganizationHagenholzstrasse 85, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich
Krebsliga ZugNon-Profit OrganizationAlpenstrasse 14, 6300 Zug (Stadt), Zug
RösslistäfaNon-Profit OrganizationBahnhofstrasse 1, 8712 Stäfa, Stäfa
Startzentrum ZürichNon-Profit OrganizationLuegislandstrasse 105, 8051 Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich
Kinderhilfe Südostasien / Childhelp SoutheastasiaNon-Profit OrganizationOberfeldstrasse 75, 8408 Winterthur, Winterthur
StromeffizienzinitiativeNon-Profit Organizationc/o Dr. Pia Stebler Consulting, Frey-Herosé-Strasse 25, 5000 Aar, Aarau
Confédération Européenne de BillardNon-Profit OrganizationLausanne, Lausanne
Help SyriaNon-Profit OrganizationQuai de L´Arabie 3, 1800 Vevey, Vevey
Osteology FoundationNon-Profit OrganizationLandenbergstrasse 35, 6002 Luzern, Luzern
MelophiliaNon-Profit Organization12, avenue des Libellules, 1219 Vernier, Vernier
BirdLife AargauNon-Profit OrganizationPfrundweg 14, 5000 Aarau, Aarau
PuredropsNon-Profit OrganizationDufourstrasse 50 c/o University of St. Gallen, Master in Strateg, Sankt Gallen
Fri-SantéNon-Profit OrganizationBd Pérolles 30, 1700 Freiburg im Üechtland, Fribourg
Career Days FribourgNon-Profit OrganizationBoulevard de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland, Fribourg
Vicino LuzernNon-Profit OrganizationClaridenstrasse 2, 6003 Luzern, Luzern
SWISS & LOVENon-Profit Organization76A, Avenue de la Roseraie, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland, Genève
Kantonaler Fischerei-Verband Basel-StadtNon-Profit OrganizationPostfach, 4005 Basel, Basel
Soleil d´ici et d´ailleursNon-Profit OrganizationRue du Pont 22, 1820 Montreux, Montreux
Institut Kinderseele Schweiz iksNon-Profit OrganizationAlbanistrasse 24, 8400 Winterthur, Winterthur
Kadampa Meditationszentrum SchweizNon-Profit OrganizationMirabellenstrasse 1, 8048 Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich
bandXaargauNon-Profit OrganizationPostfach, 5000 Aarau, Aarau
O.u.t. Ehemaligenverein der Kantonsschule am Burggraben (KSBG)Non-Profit OrganizationPostfach, 9001 St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen
SwissApolloNon-Profit OrganizationLandenbergstrasse 7, 8404 Winterthur, Switzerland, Winterthur
PolyLANNon-Profit OrganizationEPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Lausanne
Bodies AnonymousNon-Profit OrganizationGasstrasse 5, 4056 Basel, Basel
Ecuador Movie NightNon-Profit OrganizationLaboratoriumstrasse 5, 4800 Winterthur, Winterthur
Just Governance for Human SecurityNon-Profit OrganizationRue de Varembé 1, CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland, Genève
Usthi FoundationNon-Profit OrganizationWattstrasse 3, 8050 Zürich, Zürich
Société vaudoise pour la protection des animaux SVPANon-Profit OrganizationRoute de Berne 318, 1000 Lausanne, Lausanne
Dialogai GenèveNon-Profit Organization11-13 Rue de la Navigation, CP 69 1211 GENEVE 11 Geneva, Switzer, Genève
