Schweizerischer Verband der Akademikerinnen
Schweizerischer Verband der Akademikerinnen, Postfach, 4000 Basel, Basel
Schweizerischer Verband der Akademikerinnen
Rubrik: Community Organization
Adresse / Karte: Schweizerischer Verband der Akademikerinnen
Weitere Firmen in der Rubrik Community Organization
Rubrik: Community Organization
Association l´Oeil de l´Enfant | Community Organization | Avenue de Morges 171, 1004 Lausanne, Lausanne |
Association des intérêts du quartier du Bourg | Community Organization | c/o Alexandre Sacerdoti - Grande Rue 35, 1700 Freiburg im Üechtl, Fribourg |
Tierpark Dählhölzli | Community Organization | Tierparkweg 1, 3005 Bern, Bern |
FabLab Zürich | Community Organization | Zimmerlistr. 6, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich |
AV Staufer | Stauferheim | Community Organization | Av. du Guintzet 15, 1700 Freiburg im Üechtland, Fribourg |
Weihnachten in Zürich | Community Organization | 8000 Zürich, Zürich |
BPW Switzerland | Community Organization | Badenerstrasse 255, 8003 Zürich, Zürich |
AB Glanzenburger | Community Organization | Niederdorfstrasse 76, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich |
Gesellschaft der Freunde alter Musikinstrumente - GEFAM | Community Organization | Postfach 109, 4007 Basel, Basel |
Swiss African Forum | Community Organization | Postfach 357, Switzerland Bern, Bern |
Ice Crushers Zug | Community Organization | Zug (Stadt), Zug |
GTV Basel 1883 | Community Organization | Scherkesselweg 30, 4052 Basel, Basel |
Association Léman Russe | Community Organization | 1004 Lausanne, Lausanne |
ASLOCA-Vaud | Community Organization | Rue Jean-Jacques Cart 8, 1006 Lausanne, Lausanne |
Pfadi Musegg | Community Organization | Moosmattstrasse 51a, 6005 Luzern, Luzern |
HalbZeit - Gemeinsam gegen Rassismus | Community Organization | Beundenfeldstrasse 13, 3014 Bern, Bern |
Baslerbiermarkt | Community Organization | Vogesenplatz 1, 4056 Basel, Basel |
Tag der Völker | Community Organization | Technikumstrasse 8, Winterthur, Winterthur |
Muslimischer Verein Bern | Community Organization | Europaplatz 1, 3008 Bern, Bern |
Espace Dickens | Community Organization | 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne |
VSLF | Community Organization | Hardhof 38, 8048 Zürich, Zürich |
Theater Witikon | Community Organization | Witikonerstrasse 286, 8053 Zürich, Zürich |
Association Tazzarine | Community Organization | 1228 Plan-les-Ouates, Plan-les-Ouates |
FAIRWinti | Community Organization | Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 12, 8400 Winterthur, Winterthur |
Anti Drugs Association (ADA) | Community Organization | Bahnofstrasse 6., P.O. Box 480., CH-8302 Zürich, Zürich |
WIGA Messe Buchs | Community Organization | Marktplatz, 9470 Buchs SG, Buchs |
Pro Juventute Kanton Bern | Community Organization | Pavillonweg 3, 3012 Bern, Bern |
UN Geneva Beach Club | Community Organization | 214-216 rue de Lausanne, Genf, Genève |
Qwizzeria | Community Organization | Dorflistrasse 45, Oberrieden, 8942 Zürich, Zürich |
Urbane Kunst | Community Organization | Basel, Switzerland, Basel |
Vereinigung Basler Ökonomen | Community Organization | Peter Merian-Weg 6, 4002 Basel, Basel |
Women in the Himalayas | Community Organization | Chemin du Trabandan, 1006 Lausanne, Lausanne |
Genusswoche | Community Organization | Postfach 99, 1001 Lausanne, Lausanne |
Creative Community Ostschweiz | Community Organization | CreativeSpace, Vadianstrasse 54, 9000 St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen |
Association Romande Des Hôteliers | Community Organization | Chemin de Boston 25, 1004 Lausanne, Lausanne |
RAST Jubla Freiburg | Community Organization | Rue du Botzet 2, 1700 Freiburg im Üechtland, Fribourg |
Radballclub Winterthur | Community Organization | Römerstrasse 234/236, 8404 Winterthur, Winterthur |
SKF Schweizerischer Katholischer Frauenbund | Community Organization | Kasernenplatz 1, Postfach 7854, 6000 Luzern, Luzern |
Hauseigentümerverband Fabribra | Community Organization | Flüelastrasse 47, 8047 Zürich, Zürich |
Sattelkammer Verein | Community Organization | Zähringerstrasse 42, 3012 Bern, Bern |
Ruum 42 Hackerspace | Community Organization | Andreasstrasse 5, 9000 St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen |
Souffle d´ici et d´ailleurs | Community Organization | 26 rue des Grottes, 1201 Genf, Genève |
Kinderlobby Schweiz | Community Organization | Länggasstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Bern |
Verband vitaswiss | Community Organization | Stadthofstrasse 3, 6004 Luzern, Luzern |
Jugi Breiti | Community Organization | Weidengasse 53, 4052 Basel, Basel |
Association Genevoise de Handball | Community Organization | Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Genf, Genève |
Swiss Federation of Civil Drones | Community Organization | Schweizerischer Verband Ziviler Drohnen (SVZD), 3000 Bern, Bern |
Borderfree Association | Community Organization | Zentralstrasse 156, 8003 Zürich, Zürich |
MSM Investorenvereinigung - Business Angels Club | Community Organization | Garnmarkt 10, 8400 Winterthur, Winterthur |
T19 Bis | Community Organization | Tivoli 19 bis, 1007 Lausanne, Lausanne |