OSEO VAUD, 1800 Vevey, Vevey
Rubrik: Non-Profit Organization
Adresse / Karte: OSEO VAUD
Weitere Firmen in der Rubrik Non-Profit Organization
Rubrik: Non-Profit Organization
FriGliss | Non-Profit Organization | Association FriGliss c/o FriBowling SA, CP 569, 1701 Fribourg, S, Fribourg |
UNI Equal Opportunities | Non-Profit Organization | Av Reverdil 10, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland, Nyon |
ConSol | Non-Profit Organization | Ibelweg 24, 6300 Zug (Stadt), Zug |
Rotes Kreuz Zürich | Non-Profit Organization | Drahtzugstrasse 18, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich |
BETAX | Non-Profit Organization | Stöckackerstrasse 60, 3018 Bern, Bern |
SLRG Sektion Chur | Non-Profit Organization | Grossbruggerweg 6, 7000 Chur, Chur |
Association Fête Multiculturelle - Vevey | Non-Profit Organization | Case postale 86, 1800 Vevey Vevey, Switzerland, Vevey |
St. Galler Wanderwege | Non-Profit Organization | Sömmerliwaldstrasse 7, 9000 Saint Gallen, Sankt Gallen |
Tierparkverein Bern | Non-Profit Organization | Gerechtigkeitsgasse 22, 3011 Bern, Bern |
ISO Consumers | Non-Profit Organization | Chemin de Blandonnet 8, 1214 Vernier, Switzerland, Vernier |
Worldshop | Non-Profit Organization | 4057 Basel, Basel |
Kinderhilfe Südostasien / Childhelp Southeastasia | Non-Profit Organization | Oberfeldstrasse 75, 8408 Winterthur, Winterthur |
JCI Fribourg | Non-Profit Organization | Case postale 836, 1701 Freiburg im Üechtland, Fribourg |
Milieu | Non-Profit Organization | Münstergasse 6, 3000 Bern, Bern |
MUN Basel | Non-Profit Organization | Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel, Basel |
Organisation suisse d´aide aux réfugiés OSAR | Non-Profit Organization | Weyermannsstrasse 10, 3008 Bern, Bern |
Dialogai Genève | Non-Profit Organization | 11-13 Rue de la Navigation, CP 69 1211 GENEVE 11 Geneva, Switzer, Genève |
C&A Foundation | Non-Profit Organization | 10 Grafenauweg, 6300 Zug, Switzerland, Zug |
Oikocredit deutsche Schweiz | Non-Profit Organization | General-Guisan-Strasse 47, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland, Winterthur |
International Potash Institute (IPI) | Non-Profit Organization | Industriestrasse 31, CH-6300 Zug (Stadt), Zug |
Africa Progress Panel - Chaired by Kofi Annan | Non-Profit Organization | 11 Rue de Varembé, CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland, Genève |
Caritas beider Basel | Non-Profit Organization | Lindenberg 20, 4058 Basel, Switzerland, Basel |
Confédération Européenne de Billard | Non-Profit Organization | Lausanne, Lausanne |
Puredrops | Non-Profit Organization | Dufourstrasse 50 c/o University of St. Gallen, Master in Strateg, Sankt Gallen |
Fribourg-Solidaire | Non-Profit Organization | Route du Botzet 2, 1700 Freiburg im Üechtland, Fribourg |
Sic-Nyon | Non-Profit Organization | Case postale 1373, 1260 Nyon, Nyon |
WWF Schweiz | Non-Profit Organization | Hohlstrasse 110, 8010 Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich |
ibbo - international blackboard organisation | Non-Profit Organization | Berneggstrasse 28, 9000 St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen |
UEG | Non-Profit Organization | Case postale 975 - Avenue de Rhodanie 2, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerl, Lausanne |
IWGA The World Games | Non-Profit Organization | Maison du Sport International, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne |
Akademischer Alpenclub Basel - aacbasel.ch | Non-Profit Organization | 4056 Basel, Basel |
Boutique Terre des hommes | Non-Profit Organization | Route de Genève 17, 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne |
Rösslistäfa | Non-Profit Organization | Bahnhofstrasse 1, 8712 Stäfa, Stäfa |
Make-A-Wish Switzerland | Non-Profit Organization | 21 rue de la Combe, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland, Nyon |
Stiftung Mobilita | Non-Profit Organization | Hartbertstrasse 10, 7000 Chur, Chur |
Kantonaler Fischerei-Verband Basel-Stadt | Non-Profit Organization | Postfach, 4005 Basel, Basel |
Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz | Non-Profit Organization | Monbijoustrasse 61, 3007 Bern, Bern |
changing lives | Non-Profit Organization | Spielhof 17, 6317 Zug (Stadt), Zug |
OstSINN | Non-Profit Organization | Bohl 2, 9000 Saint Gallen, Sankt Gallen |
ITU Triathlon | Non-Profit Organization | Maison du Sport International, Av. de Rhodanie 54, CH -1007 Laus, Lausanne |
Espacefemmes Frauenraum | Non-Profit Organization | rue Saint - Pierre 10, 1700 Freiburg im Üechtland, Fribourg |
Benevol Zug | Non-Profit Organization | Schanz 4, 6300 Zug (Stadt), Zug |
eco.ch | Non-Profit Organization | Elisabethenstrasse 22, 4051 Basel, Switzerland, Basel |
StartUp Weekend Schweiz | Non-Profit Organization | Zollstrasse 62, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich |
Hopp-la Generationen in Bewegung | Non-Profit Organization | Schützenmattpark, 4000 Basel, Basel |
FIABCI Suisse | Non-Profit Organization | c/o Union Patronale du canton de Fribourg / Postfach 1552, 1701, Fribourg |
Fête de la vigne | Non-Profit Organization | Place du Château, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland, Nyon |
Animatou Genève | Non-Profit Organization | 11 rue des Grottes, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland, Genève |
Bateau Genève | Non-Profit Organization | Quai Gustave-Ador, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland, Genève |
GGG Migration | Non-Profit Organization | Eulerstrasse 26, 4051 Basel, Switzerland, Basel |