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Bed & Breakfast Butterfly

Bed & Breakfast Butterfly, Fürfelderstrasse 37 4125 Riehen, Riehen

Bed & Breakfast Butterfly
Rubrik: Bed and Breakfast
icon user Adresse: Bed & Breakfast Butterfly, Fürfelderstrasse 37 4125 Riehen, Riehen
icon mobileTelefon: +41616014772
icon globe Internet: http://www.
icon mail Öffnungszeiten: Mo.-Fr. 08:00-17:00
icon calculatorBewertungen: icon star

Adresse / Karte: Bed & Breakfast Butterfly

Weitere Firmen in der Rubrik Bed and Breakfast

Rubrik: Bed and Breakfast
B & B ZifferblattgasseBed and BreakfastZifferblattgasse 4 9652 Neu St. Johann, Neu Sankt Johann
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bernhard´s B&BBed and BreakfastKüpfgasse 3 2543 Lengnau BE, Bex
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FinelBed and BreakfastHotel Finel 3706 Leissigen, Leissigen
Gästehaus KreuzBed and BreakfastEgg 79 9103 Schwellbrunn, Schwellbrunn
BnB NeuhüsliBed and BreakfastThunstettenstrasse 4 4900 Langenthal, Langenthal
BnB HopfengrünBed and BreakfastThunstettenstrasse 4 4900 Langenthal, Langenthal
Das GasthausBed and BreakfastRorschacherstrasse 14 9424 Rheineck, Rheineck
chambre d´hote la SansonnazBed and Breakfastroute de Vaularbel 68 1468 Cheyres, Cheyres
Café-Restaurant LöwenBed and BreakfastDorfstrasse 28 9104 Waldstatt, Waldstatt
Maison-Monsieur ´Le Caprice´Bed and Breakfastles Côtes-du-Doubs 19 Maison-Monsieur 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Mandry LiseBed and Breakfastroute du Cosson 1 1356 La Russille, La Russille
Gaudin CatherineBed and Breakfastroute des Rocs 138 1985 Villa (Evolène), Evolène
Bed & Breakfast Basel + SwitzerlandBed and BreakfastSonnenweg 3 4144 Arlesheim, Arlesheim
Wieland´s Bed & BreakfastBed and BreakfastLandshutstrasse 23 3427 Utzenstorf, Utzenstorf
Bed & Breakfast TomsiBed and BreakfastSchauenburgerstrasse 26 4133 Pratteln, Pratteln
Les NoisetiersBed and Breakfastroute de Leysin 27 1863 Le Sépey, Le Sépey
O bon p´tit bonheurBed and Breakfastroute du Simplon 35 1958 St-Léonard, Simplon Dorf
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Dubuis JacquelineBed and Breakfastroute de Moudon 1062 Sottens, Sottens
Manser Claudia (-Betschart)Bed and BreakfastGässli 1 8783 Linthal, Linthal
Degen Jacques et Anne-MarieBed and Breakfastchemin du Tirage 12 2520 La Neuveville, La Neuveville
Granges Jacqueline (-Maret)Bed and Breakfastrue Saint-Ours 49 1926 Fully, Fully
B&B KlotenBed and BreakfastDorfstrasse 9 8302 Kloten, Kloten
Klaus Möri MargareteBed and Breakfastle Dally 64 1628 Vuadens, Vuadens
Chambres MargueriteBed and Breakfastchemin du Coteau 1 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains, Yverdon-les-Bains
B&B BettwilBed and BreakfastHinterdorfstrasse 7 5618 Bettwil, Bettwil
Kleine SchaubBed and BreakfastUndergass 2 8260 Stein am Rhein, Stein am Rhein
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Ramisberg perspektive-lebenBed and BreakfastRamisberg 1191A 3439 Ranflüh, Ranflüh
Gay-Crosier Jacky & Manuela.Bed and BreakfastTaque 7 1929 Trient, Trient
Maegli Lerch EdithBed and BreakfastEichgutweg 10 3053 Münchenbuchsee, Münchenbuchsee
Calanda Bed & Breakfast Doris KrummenacherBed and BreakfastBungertweg 60 7206 Igis, Igis
Mock-Vogt AstridBed and BreakfastHinterdorfstrasse 7 5618 Bettwil, Bettwil
Lichtzentrum Lotus AGBed and BreakfastStutzstrasse 25 6005 St. Niklausen LU, St. Niklausen
Bed & Breakfast PinocchioBed and BreakfastSchaffhauserstrasse 42 8472 Seuzach, Oberohringen, Seuzach Dorf
La Maison du DirecteurBed and Breakfastroute des Dévens 6 1880 Bex, Bex
Chalet Les Quatre SaisonsBed and Breakfastchemin de la Vièze 17, Val-d´Illiez, Chemin
ResgiaBed and BreakfastVia Resgia 7176 Cumpadials, Cumpadials
Le BelvédèreBed and Breakfastchemin du Dézaley 2 1856 Corbeyrier, Corbeyrier
au jardinBed and BreakfastUlmenweg 13 4528 Zuchwil, Zuchwil
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GemeindeverwaltungBed and BreakfastUnterbiel 15 4418 Reigoldswil, Reigoldswil
Château des FrêtesBed and Breakfastles Frêtes 158 2416 Les Brenets, Les Brenets
Les Chambres d´Hôtes du BerceauBed and Breakfastroute des Monnaires 73 1660 Château-d´Oex, Château-d´Oex
LonywoodBed and BreakfastTabakmatte 7 2532 Magglingen/Macolin, Magglingen
Ristorante Grotto Paradiso da Bruno e LucaBed and BreakfastAi Topi 6 6540 Castaneda,
